Saturday, May 29, 2010

Music Path

God I love this idiot.

The music we brings us together to being the same being. His anger, sadness.... all of it is his own when we listen..

"I want someone to hurt, like the way I hurt! It's sick, but it makes me feel better..."


I feel like I'm tapped into an electrical outlet with a short in it.

I have, feel so much energy, and yet, I yawn. I yearn for a peaceful sleep I'll never have.

I fantasized about killing the majority of last night.

I'll Find you Max. you God damned traitor.

You knew what that game would do, didn't you?

How, because of the effect games have on becomes more like the game?

I miss the days I was a Demon in his mind.

I miss being the Ultimate enemy. The threat to the world.

If I ever erase you Eric, god help those you have scorn for.

And now, to continue where I left off last time...

Jessica Aucoin....

You're an idiot sometimes, but you're cute. We mighta had a shot if we werent trying for a relationship during the time Katie blew Eric's sanity to kingdom come.
You're a close friend, but we each have our responsibilities. In reality, I doubt we'll ever be more than that. Not to mention the fact Brenda and Lillian have both flirted with me, and I have returned it. I have a tendency to speak my mind, as you well know.

Renee Helmer.
In all reality, you're just naive, and innocent.
Why do I find that a bad thing? Hah.
Get out of that annoying depressing slump, and we'll talk.

Damn it, I'm hungry. I need to eat, but there ain't shit I want.

One of the cute girls I know oughta come make me some food.

Or at least then I might have some motivation to do more than sit on this fucking computer all morning. I should let this body rest. We're gonna have a hell night tonight.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hello, and welcome to my little corner.

My Last one. My last edge, aware of this world, aware of the fact I'm growing ever deeper
into my insanity.

Giving in more to what he truly wants. What he desires to do, but would never admit it.

....Well said.

My name... Is Eric.

I'm Dyne. I'm Eric's little voice. The devil on his shoulder, the face beneath his skin. This is the first time I remember him typing everything I say. In a very scary sense, I was created by Eric. Sustained by what he denies.

.... I still don't agree. I can't believe that I made you. But.... I'm done blaming anything else.

You wish. If that were true, you'd tell your friends about this page.

True. But that's because I doubt they would see me the same. This page will go public. In time.

What my lesser half is attempting to say is he doesnt trust you people. The pain, the judgement. It's too much for this whiny little bastard. *balls up his fists* Fucking Assholes.

Every Last One of you.

So Let ME begin this time, Haha!

We'll start with the most painful..

Katie Alisabeth Neuhauser. You hurt me deeper, even Eric deeper than he has been before. But God damn it was well done. If I had my way, My Truest wish, I would kill you. Your friends. Your family. My aura flickers at your name, and Eric's resolve is shattered at the note we still carry in our wallet.

Next, we'll start with some of my 'friends'.

Laurel Machel Damian, a.k.a. Dami
Laurel, You're one of the wierder ones. You somewhat understand 'what' I am, even if Eric doesnt tell you the entire truth. I was created, or rather, I evolved because of his will. Consciously. Your psychological side is fascinating, because you almost emulate me.
Be careful on your path, for you're begging to follow my road.
Especially considering our Past. You think you know me?
How much have I really shown you?

Elizabeth Avril Swain.
You are nothing but a ridiculous excuse for a friend. You have used me, continually. And I'm utterly done allowing Eric around you, for he turns into a puppy. It's time to show my bite.

Hannah (Emu) Leah Shipman
I wish I never met you. Never attempted to woo you. Never cared about you.
But I did, we have Kail, and I will FIGHT you for him you stupid bitch.
If I were a lesser, more violent shade of myself... Like I used to be..
I'd want to kill you both. The thought crosses my mind, frequently. But I will not, Can't.

That's enough out of you....and enough for Edition 1 of Dual Dimension.

The energy... It's radiating through me.

Even though I know the obvious answer? I really dont feel Human.


Hello. How are you?

What is your name?

It's nice to meet you....

My name?

I don't know my name.



So we come to this. Using some internet tool?

We have for a long time.

True Enough, Dyne.

Dyne... Is that my name, Eric?

I remember.... Yes.

It's one of the few you've given me over the years. Youkai. Cubia. Dyne...

...and I've alwyas been something different.. Eric... Ax... Skeith....

So, then, Let's begin.

Aye. For once... Let the Truth begin.

.... And So It Begins.