Thursday, April 19, 2012

At the drop of a hat.

Why do I yearn to help people?

Why do I search out those that need me most?

Why do I hate so thoroughly?

Why does my rage consume me?

Why can't I attain peace of mind, regardless of the situation?

...Because I can't do anything anymore.

I can't go anywhere. I can't do anything I truly want to.

I can't think without sending myself into an endless paradox of twisted emotions and dual-sided logic.

I am losing friends by the day, and have no outlet for my energy.

I can't stay in this house. I can't keep pouring my body and energy into an endless cycle.

Where do you go when you have nowhere to run?

How do you fight with bound hands?

How do you argue when you perceive the world with two sets of eyes?

When you deadlock yourself, and you can't find a way to break yourself out of a mindset, What can be done?

I miss myself. I miss being certain about the way I feel.

I miss knowing that each side of me would at least stay the same, instead of becoming a vortex of swirling aspects, shifting, never allowing the devil's advocate relationship of my brain to rest.

I'm losing sight of who I am, and who I want to be. This life isn't good enough for me.

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