Friday, June 18, 2010


"Hey Lucy I remember your name. I left a dozen roses, on your grave today.
Get down on my knees wipe the leaves away. Just came to talk for a while, I've got some things, I need to say."

Hey Aura... I wonder what you'd do, if you could see me now. How angry would you be?
or would you console me like you used to do? You're the only one who ever could.

I remember, how you were the only one I could cry around. That I didn't have to be invincible.
That I wasn't the rock holding you up, but we held each other. Supported each other.

"Now that It's over, i just wanna hold her. I'd give up the whole world to see that little piece of heaven lookin back at me. Now that it's over. I just wanna hold her. I gotta live with the choices I made, and I can't live with myself today."

I never told you this, never mentioned it, even though I should have. You know, you're the only reason I really want there to be an afterlife. I want to see you there. To meet you again. To laugh. Cry. Smile. Frown. Live. Love.

"Hey Lucy I remember your birthday. They said it'd bring some closure to say your name. You know I'd do it all different if I had the chance. but all i've got are these roses to give, and They can't help me make amends!"

It's been 6 years since I visited your grave. I want to go back sometime. I remember, every day, for an entire year I went there. I'd fall asleep against your headstone.

"Now that it's over, i just wanna hold her. I'd give all the world to see that little piece of heaven looking back at me. Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her. I've gotta live with the choices i've made and I can't live with myself today.

Here we are! Now you're in my arms! I never wanted anything so bad.
Here we are! For a brand new start! Living the life that we could've had.

Me and Lucy walkin hand in hand.
Me and Lucy never wanna end.
Just another moment in your eyes, I'll see you, in another life.
In heaven! Where we never say goodbye!

Now that its over. I just wanna hold her! I'd give up all the world to see that little piece of heaven lookin back at me!
Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her! I gotta live with the choices I made, and I can't live with myself today.

Here we are now you're in my arms.
here we are for a brand new start.
I've gotta live with the choices I've made, and I can't live with myself today!

Me and Lucy walking hand in hand.
Me and Lucy never wanna end.
I've gotta live with the choices I've made, and i can't live with

Hey Lucy I remember your name.....

.....God...I miss you so Damn much.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know.

    I know I'll never meet another Aura.

    I'd be afraid if I did.

    ...I wish I was in that car with her. Wish I could've been there with her...

    ...At least you got to share with him his last moments...

    You've no idea how much I envy that.

    By the time I was able to see her...

    ....So much blood....

    Her necklace....was all I was given...

    And I chose to bury that.

  3. I saw him die... i screamed, I cried, for the medics to save him. but they didn't even try. And I knew then, as much as I denied it what that meant. Covered in his blood, I never got to say goodbye. He was knocked out before he died. The last thing I heard from him was a scream. </3
